Monday, April 30, 2012

Giant Yummy

Giant Shrimp Invade The Gulf Of Mexico
This story has been making the rounds.
Seems the big concern is that these big shrimp will eat all the little shrimp, thereby decimating the shrimping industry of the Gulf Coast.

I don't know much about shrimp outside of the fact that they are yummier than the President's dog, but my understanding is that they tend to 'school'. Are we seeing the beginning of a scenario where a school of these giant shrimp swoop down on a school of smaller shrimp and gobble them up? If so, this does not necessarily have to be a bad thing.

Instead, we will have schools of giant size shrimp cruising the Gulf Of Mexico, just waiting for a Forest Gump to come along and net them up for market.

It means more plentiful (and cheaper) large-size shrimp for the masses, and my grill.

Maybe the 'failed' farming attempt will prove out to be more successful in the long run than planned.
Wouldn't that be a hoot?


Brian said...

There were a handful of tiger prawns mixed in with the last batch of shrimp I bought. But I'm assuming that they came from Vietnam or thereabouts (they were previously frozen, and from a Viet market.) Anyway, the point being that they were delicious.

I do wonder if they retain their flavor if they actually get up to 13 inches, though...

Bartholomew said...

I do wonder if they retain their flavor if they actually get up to 13 inches, though...
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RobertDWood said...

Can we somehow blame BP for this?

Night Writer said...

Schools of large shrimp swooping down on schools of smaller shrimp? Surely this would be prevented by anti-bullying codes of conduct!