Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Spark For Liberty

With all the horseshit being being planned in D.C., it's nice to see that there is a small shred of common sense still to be found on rare occasion.
This time it is H.R. 2835, sponsored by the usually buffoonish Barney Frank, and co-sponsored by a bipartisan assortment of others.

H.R. 2835 makes two important changes to federal law:
First, it eliminates federal authority to interfere with patients, caregivers, and collectives operating in accordance with state medical marijuana laws.

Second, it moves marijuana from Schedule I under the Controlled Substances Act into Schedule II. Schedule II drugs have recognized medical benefits and can be prescribed by doctors to patients in need (for example, morphine is a Schedule II drug).

We in California were the first to pass medical marijuana legislation years ago, in 1996. But our suppliers and users, even while strictly following the law, are routinely harassed by federal assholes and tried and convicted in federal courts. The Bush administration was particularly brutal in this regard.
Funny, if not sad, how Bush would fight a war to bring democracy and freedom to Arabs who don't understand them, and then wage war at home against sick people who do.

From my chair: the worst enemies of medical weed, and the sick who benefit, happen to be the Republicans. You know, those guys who are always bitching about state's rights and nanny government?

And if it takes a fruitcake socialist like Barney Frank, and the Obama administration, to take a stand for state's rights, and the rights of sick people to medicate, maybe the Neocons will learn a lesson in all this.

H.R. 2835 won't make medical weed the law of the land, but it does force the federal jackbooters to recognise those laws approving of it in the states that have done so.
It's not the final fix, but it is good move in the right direction.

Now, let's get it passed.


Night Writer said...

"Now, let's get it passed."

So, what you're saying is, "Don't bogart that bill"?

my name is Amanda said...

Well said, Gino. I agree.

This is very well-written (not that your stuff normally isn't, but that I am particularly impressed with this post) AND I don't completely disagree with everything you've said! YAY!

Gino said...

amanda: thanks, but you are fee to disagree with me, as well. i like it when i'm told that i'm full of shit. :)

W.B. Picklesworth said...

I agree that this should be an issue decided by individual states.

kr said...

Hear hear!

Brian said...

I think you are completely full of shit.

(Joking, obviously.)

One of the few times I have ever written to a congressman and gotten a response was to then-Rep. Kolbe (R-AZ) asking him to support a bill that would reschedule cannabis to schedule 2. (He was not convinced, but I appreciated his response nonetheless.) That alone should preempt federal interference with state level medical MJ, though the Frank bill that specifically prohibits it in conjunction with rescheduling is probably a better piece of legislation in practice.

It should be said that for me this is unapologetically a wedge issue. Cannabis should be LEGALIZED for ALL ADULTS.

Mr. D said...

The War on Drugs hasn't worked very well -- that's for sure. And there's little question that medical marijuana has helped a lot of people.