And along with it, the moaning and whining, while those who have been rebuked have already set out to change the rules that would nullify any future wrath the voters are sure to feel.
It's a fixed game, where democracy is but a charade, and judges rule according to the whims of the power brokers.
If you've been watching the news you heard all the commentary, but the commentary is incomplete.
I can go into detail explaining how what was once such a prosperous place went so badly bad in the last 15-20 years, but such an endeavor would require me to turn this blog into a California Political History blog, take weeks of postings, and further bore the snot out of my readers, none of whom are in California.
I will say this: this place is broken beyond repair. The state has become ungovernable, and nothing can save it short of splitting it up into separate entities. Personally, I'd propose making three states out it.
That won't happen in my lifetime, and when it does, it will begin with the gunfire of secession in the far north.
Other solutions would require a state constitutional convention. Also a bad idea, since the power brokers of any convention would be the same clownish special interests who looted the place to begin with.
If you want to know what happens when One-Party Rule, socialist ideals, and public employee unions collude, just look at California.
In William Gibson novels, California of the future was split into two states... No-Cal and So-Cal. I remember when we lived down there, I used to wonder if it would ever happen... seemed to be moving in that direction.
the northern 1/3 has had a secession movement brewing for several decaeds. it never seems to get any traction though. its mostly the tin foil hat crowd that makes all the rumble, but that may change,too.
you can wiki: state of jefferson for more detail on the issue.
Somehow the prospect of six senators from Kahleefornia scares the tar out of me!
I briefly flirted with joining the Baja Arizona secessionist movement, when I lived there. I believe the proposed state motto was "mas cerveza".
bubba: it would actually be better. the far north is nothing like the rest,and having a lumberjack/gun owner/woodlands type in the senate might be a different change of pace.
and the southern portion is much more moderate than the central region.
right now, the whole state is run by bay area powerbrokers. it used to be shared by los angeles and frisco regions, with neither having the upper hand for long. now, its all frisco, all the time.
brian: you'd enjoy the state of jefferson. that region is to microbrew what seattle is to overpriced coffee. i've actually taken a few 'midnight rides' up there just to visit the anderson valley brewing co brew pub. best beer, anywhere.
(the things you do just because you can...)
hey, Southern Oregon is supposed to be part of the State of Jefferson, too! Someone trotted out an agitator's pamphlet map from the 1880s (or so), last time we heard serious rumblings up here.
I thought it was a great idea, myself. I'd love to see Southern Oregonians/Northern Californians write a new state constitution. Presuming they could keep the Mt. Shasta Lemurian-chasers (tin hats) out of the situation, it might be a pretty sensible document ;).
I hadn't even gotten as far as enjoying the idea of the US Senators that might result :). Lovely :).
(I'm sorry for your state, though, Gino ... zipcode-ization has really been flying along down there for the last 20 years, hasn't it? Meaning, people have voluntarily sorted themselves into geographically determined interest groups. So sad. Up here we see some of that, but a lot of people are tenacious about sticking 'right here in my damn house,' so mixing is occurring by dint of persnickity-ness :). )
kr: it has more to do with cultural differences between the regions. frisco is a mindset of its own, yet has the population numbers to over ride anything the rural folks outside the bay want to say.
the north lacks large population centers, so they are ruled by an even more foriegn and distant entity in sacramento (which is controlled by frisco) and that just increases the discontent.
I keep hoping CA becomes it's own country. The Liberals though will never be able to take away my soul or govern the way I feel and think. I answer to my divine creator and bow to him only.
Sorry I missed you with your visit ot MN. I honestly only got about 6hours of sleep in 3 nights on our memorial day camping outing.
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