Thursday, September 20, 2012

Maybe it's just me, but it looks to my eyes as if Sarah Palin has just become the 'white-face' version of Michelle Malkin: nothing new to say, but a whole lot of adjectives in saying it.

I'm so tired of this shit, left and right.... may they all go to hell.
And burn there...


Mr. D said...

I'm curious -- what new thing would you want Palin to say?

Brian said...

I thought Michelle Malkin was the whiteface version of Michelle Malkin. (I know there's no makeup, but she does a hell of an angry white guy impression.)

Gino said...

mr D: maybe it was too much to expect... but i would think she might have tried to get a little bit in depth on a topic, seing as how she's faded and needs to show something to keep the checks coming in.

Brian: thats about right.

Mr. D said...

Gino, I don't think depth is Palin's thing. That's not necessarily a shot, either. Depth leads to wonkery and that's problematic, too.

She's got her fan base and it's large enough to keep her and her family in beer and skittles for the rest of her life. She's not likely to expand beyond that base and I think she's made her peace with that.

Brian said...


Mr. D said...


Ask for it by name.

Bike Bubba said...

OK, Gino; nothing to say, or saying something with which you disagree?

There are a lot of pundits with whom I disagree, too, but let's be fair. I just disagree with them, which can mean that they are wrong.

Gino said...

for this one, bubba, i mean 'nothing to say'.