Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's Official: I'm An 'Old Guy'

Saw the Angry Samoans (a very old, early 80's band) tonight, along with my cousin's punk band, The Maxies.
(Sorry, sound quality isn't that good, but The Maxies do sound better in person.)

At an 'All Age' club, which is the same as saying nobody over 21 would bother showing up.
Between acts, I step out for a breather, and some dude looks right at me:
"An old guy!"
He's 'bout my age.
Yeah, I say.
"You from the 80's?"
South Bay.
"Cool! The Church..."
and The Barn...
"What you doin here?"
Samoan Pride.
"Samoan Pride! Party on..."

1 comment:

bonze saunders said...

Thanks for your patronage!

I would like to note, however, that your are underestimating the old, old, oldness of this band.

The Samoans were founded in 1978, at which time Metal Mike was already a wizened geezer of 26, and Gregg and I were only behind by 4 years...

And hey, speaking of Samoan pride, I saw an SUV with a "Samoan" and a "Samoan Pride!" sticker on it! In Ithaca, of all places!