I've long been called a racist for my failure to patronise. The willingness to call what I saw, and defend it when challenged. In recent years it just got old, and I stopped defending myself. (Just call the word; you know you want to; feel better?; now shut the fuck up.)
I admit, it's also fun to speak the words others fear to breath aloud.
I remember back during the election campaign, when a lot of normally center-minded, and even right-of-center-minded voters thought that voting for Obama would demonstrate a blow against racism. And may even be the end of racism itself, at least as a political force.
I caught some flack (on other blogs, notably about seven of them)for attempting to point out some flaws in their choice of Anointed Black Man. For the most part, I was concerned with his political past,his parental/familial history, his lack of experience, and absolutely no real evidence that he was a centrist, come-together kinda of policy guy.
In short, if you just want a unifying black man to lead the nation, pick a real descendant of slavery with a little bit of cred in center-minded, unifying consensus area. Cred that extends to when the teleprompter is turned off.
In return, I was labeled a racist. It didn't bother me personally. I just saw it as the end of discussion. A discussion others were either not ready for, incapable of, or unwilling to engage in. That's fine.
When challenged, it was never explained how voting for skin color wasn't itself racism, but challenging the legitimacy of his unifying blackness was.
Fantasies and dreams of what you want to be are often difficult to snuff even when presented with strong evidence that contradicts the possibility of the dream ever taking place. I'm guilty of this as well, so I'm not pointing fingers at anybody. I'm just noting a common human failing.
And as skilled politicians of either stripe do, a bill of goods was presented to willing and gullible buyers, who responded accordingly.
Now, it looks like America's "chickens are coming home to roost", to borrow a phrase from a Obama's spiritual mentor.
Racism, as an accusation, is now bigger than ever. It has become the mantra of Obama's defenders. Criticise the president, and you are a racist. Doesn't matter on what grounds, what policy, or whatever. Only racism drives these people, you see?
The same nation that eagerly desired a Black skinned president is now angry that they have a Black skinned president.
Naturally, this protection from dissent will have to extend to any future Presidents, of either color, or that would be racist,right? I encourage further outting of racists everywhere.
Let's drag them all out the closet, shall we?
Come on, you too. Yeah, you know who you are.
Step on out.Do you currently enjoy the President's policies? That's Ok. At some point in time, you may find a topic of disagreement, and if not this one, then the next will likely piss you off about something.
Come join the fun. You're a racist,too. When certain words are overused they tend to lose their meaning. "Racist" has become one of those words.
Nobody can be a racist anymore, or we are all racists.
Doesn't really matter now, does it?
Thank you, to President Obama, and those well-intentioned racists who voted for him.
"Racism" is finally dead in America.
Let us rejoice.