Wednesday, August 26, 2009

For a drunken, elitist, socialistic ideologue who was only popular in newsrooms and Massachusetts, I'd say the coverage is just a little bit over the top already.


kingdavid said...

Yes, he may be dead; but I wouldn't count him out in the next election. My bet is that the people of Massachusetts will elect him to another term. The nimrods there have been voting for him and Kerry for so long that I don't think they'll be able to break the habit.

At least the nimrod voters in MN occasionally vote in a republican; they don't always pick bozo liberals like Franken.

RobertDWood said...

Its almost as disgusting as the Michael Jackson coverage.

tully said...

Come on, Gino, let's just call our political differences water under the bridge--the man has clearly left many of us drowning in grief and I think it's unfair for any of us to leave the scene on our fellow Americans!

tully said...

I'm sorry- that was in bad taste, and may have already been used, but the joke is a little irresistible. Too soon? Quite probably...

Anonymous said...

kingdavid, not all of us in MA are nimrods. Tried for year to get rid of him and the other one but we are outnumbered. Fortunately he couldn't get the MA rules changed so his wife could be appointed to his spot rather than thru special election. Maybe with him out of the way, we might actually have a shot at getting something different.

palmboy - disgusting was watching the coverage when JFK jr plane crashed. he was just a son of a president and in the scheme of things really hadn't done a whole lot - who knows what would have happened had he lived. This is more understandable albeit annoying because he did serve for 40+ years. Granted that's about 20 years longer than anyone should be allowed to imho, but he did contribute in a big way even if i didn't agree with most of it.

tully, poor taste? possibly but quite a few people had the same reaction. you have a pass. :)

In the meantime, I am doing my best to avoid local tv news.


Gino said...

tully: i loved it, but poor taste is in my blood.

Guitarman said...

I don't know....I spent about as much time watching his funeral coverage as I've spent listening to his rhetoric during his career. Less than 1 minute altogether. Let's hope there's a conservative whose last name is Kennedy running to fill the seat.