Tuesday, January 17, 2017

HI there!

Been a while, I know.... I apologize for the slow start after pegging my return at 'around the first of the year'... but I'm here, now.

I want to start with several thoughts of the past year, election-wise, since that seems to be what's in the news.

First off: I voted for Trump. Yes. I did.
I had honestly spent most of the past election season fully expecting to not vote at all. Then Comey decided Hillary wasn't worthy of prosecution and I knew I had to vote. Not for Trump, but as a statement against Hillary and the Clinton corruption machine.
One these only two were going to become the next POTUS.
Carrying 3rd party water was a cop-out in my opinion, so I went all in for Trump. "Loud and Proud", as I called it, and I really didn't care who was upset by it.
I made a choice.

A few long time friends (even two blogger ones, where, ya know... the exchange of differing thoughts and opinions is kinda the accepted norm and is a primary basis for the friendship to exist in the first place) were genuinely upset and 'disappointed' by my decision and decided to cut ties.
I thought they were better than that.
It's all good.

My appetite for another's uppity, self-righteous prickery is limited... so Fuck You! anyway.
They aren't missed.

It wasn't too hard of a choice for me, really.
Though it was a choice I had decided to not make in the beginning, Trump was the only one out there actually speaking to the issues that mattered the most to me, and to most people who reside within my socio-economic tribe: the loss of our nation's manufacturing base, the transfer of decent jobs across the border, the unwillingness to defend our borders, and a perceived (if not real) all out assault from the Powers That Be on what being an American was all about.

Standing where I was on the sidelines while in much agreement with those of my Tribe on the issues, it really pissed me off seeing Trump's supporters branded as ignorant, racist, stupid, deplorable, and 'not part of America'.
I had to stand with my people. There was nothing else... no other righteous decision left for me to make.

Something very different and polarizing was happening in my country... Where one side used to try to convince the other side that their cause was better, we had a complete turn around. It came down to "if you are not on our higher moral plain, then you suck!"

Well, guess what, you uppity prick motherfuckers?... We are part of America. The part that is in charge now. Your weeping, protesting and marching humor me.

I just hope to God that Trump doesn't screw shit up.


Mr. D said...

I just hope to God that Trump doesn't screw shit up.

Me too. I am glad you're back. And I think your analysis is spot-on, especially this part:

Where one side used to try to convince the other side that their cause was better, we had a complete turn around. It came down to "if you are not on our higher moral plain, then you suck!"

When someone is more interested in identifiying and punishing apostates than in finding converts, it's always a sign of trouble.

Bike Bubba said...

Writing as a Baptist fundamentalist, I am going to use that comment of Mr. D's. Too.darned.appropriate. at times. Sigh.

And agreed, Gino. I remember noticing at a homeschool conference (sigh again) that a group wasn't about persuading, but more about bandstand tactics. No, thank you. Praying for Mr. Trump now.

Gino said...

hey guys, thanks for stopping in. i'll try to be a bit more reliable with the posting this year.

John said...

Welcome back...