Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Don't Expect Much...

...From me in regards to the anticipated SCOTUS response toward Obamacare.

Been working some long hours this week (try 13hr shifts on for size), which leaves whatever mind I have left focused on other more lifestyle-friendly thoughts.

Instead, check out whatever Brian and Mr. Dilettante have to say, and assume that my thoughts (if I had any) are probably somewhere in the middle-muddle that exists between them.


Brian said...

I intend to continue my embargo of (originating) political topics. Plus...I cannot bring myself to get excited either way. I think the status quo and the ACA are probably equally shitty, albeit for different reasons.

Gino said...

yeah... something like that....
i vascilate tween the idealogical ideal, and the political reality...
my thoughts, should i have them... would go either way.

Gino said...

but what do i know? i'm a shit-for-brains, anyway.

Bike Bubba said...

Brian, I hope your heart is in good condition when you read this; I agree with you. Hopefully we can get some adults in Congress and the White House soon.

Brian said...

Bubba--Not surprised at all. It's the only sensible position!


Mr. D said...

Personally I'm glad that Wickard apparently got a haircut, but I wish that Roberts would have followed his logic all the way to the end.

This is why we have elections.