The kind of place that pioneered the trend of every grade school kid being given their own cell phone to take to school.
A simple drive through 'HB', as it's called, and you find yourself surrounded by housewives driving SUV's and holding up traffic while they yackity-yack on their cell.
It's insane.
That's why I find this story just a little peculiar.
These parents are protesting the placement of a cell tower near a grade school playground.
Supposedly, according to the tin-foil hat crowd, cell towers cause brain cancer, or some other type of head-encased nasty like that.
And they don't want their precious cell-using babies to be endangered.
According to Antennasearch.com, there are already close to 300 cell towers within a four mile radius of that school. Chances are, most of these parents live so near, if not directly under one themselves, the last thing they need to be worried about is what sits just outside the school yard.
Not to mention what they are exposing their kids to on trips to Starbucks or Whole Foods.
These people really are stupid, if not hypocritical.
It's probably just visible and they think it's ugly.
If they are worried about cancer from cell phone towers, what do they think they are doing to themselves when they hold the phones next to their heads? Or if they use headsets, having the cell phones clipped to their belts/purses?
Er, let's make that go with the daily double. Danged rented fingers!
The science on RF radiation causing cancer and other health problems is really shaky. It isn't all complete garbage (some of it is), but it's a long way from conclusive.
I would say probably the highest risk of anything would be children (<20 y.o) using headsets often (brain not fully developed). But even that is a stretch...
Around my neighborhood, they made the phone towers look like pine trees. Sort of. You don't notice them if you are just passing through, but if you see them all the time they look really stupid.
I don't view it as really something about cancer, I think they're just looking for an excuse to be a NIMBY - which we are fast becoming the United States of - if not already there.
did any of you see the photos with the story?
at least two of the protesters are holding cell phones in that park where the protested tower was being installed.
brian: they try to make them look like pine trees here,too. and pines dont even grow here.
double morons.
maybe they should just disguise them large boulders. nobody would ever know.
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