Sunday, December 20, 2009

Would You Eat This?

Malaysian authorities rescue 130 pangolins
Malaysian wildlife authorities said they have rescued 130 pangolins and arrested two men attempting to smuggle the protected species, destined to be sold to restaurants and medicine shops....

The animal's meat is considered a delicacy in China...

According to Wiki, this is some sort of anteater type creature. Never heard of them before, and they don't look very tastey to me?

According to the article, 130 Pangolins are valued at about $11,500. Or about $88 a peice.
Another citation (per Wiki) reports five tons of seized Pangolin meat representing 1,481 Pangolins.

So, doing a little math, I can assume about 6.75 lbs of meat can be produced from an average Pangolin at a market price of $13/lb.

I think I'd rather have a nice rib eye.


Mr. D said...

But the pangolin sauce is delish.

Bike Bubba said...

You'd be surprised how good that weird stuff can taste....little bit of sauce, lightly braised....mmmm....piglet ears.

(I grossed out my Malaysian host when there by eating some....they were pretty good....and no, the host was Tamil, not Malay, so it wasn't like eating pork chops washed down with whiskey in front of a Muslim)

K-Rod said...

I'm always up for trying something new. Venison heart and grouse liver are the recent yummy stuff you won't find a cub or rainbow.

It's hard to beat a nice rib eye.

Jade said...

My belief is that the phrase "considered a delicacy.." is just a way to sell shit that people really shouldn't want to eat.

"Hey Bob... how can we make a profit off this crappy, freaky looking meat?"

"Call it a delicacy Jim... rich people will buy it."

Gino said...

jade wins the thread.

Jade said...

Woo! I'm the big winner! :)