It was about the forces arrayed against him.
As Upchuck Schumer himself said, (and I paraphrase) the Intelligence Community has several ways til Sunday to fuck you.
Home Truth: the Deep State calls the shots, and you'd better not be standing on the wrong end of the shooting range.
This has changed, and quickly so...
With the Inspector General Report coming out at the same time as Comey's embarassingly silly (and stupid) bodice ripper; while McCabe resorts to that online fundraising thing, GoFundMe, to provide his legal defense...
(begging yet another question: if you did nothing wrong... why would you need a GoFundMe when you haven't been charged with doing anything?
You are innocent of everything.
A high ranking FBI agent.
An Untouchable, as they say.
Nothing there.
You said so.
Unless, of course, you are lacking candor?
Tell me it ain't so)
It's looking more and more to me, that the shots being taken against Papa are actually shats in the shorts of those who are taking the shots
It's becoming ever more evident.
My Trump hating 'news feed' is getting freakishly quiet...
Today, Papa gave Scooter Libby a pardon.
Scooter. Libby.
Yes, that one... the swamp creature of the Marc Rich pardon.
This is waaay beyond the first three levels of WhatTheFuck?!
Now, I've mentioned my opinion of Scooter Libby before. I do believe that the nation, maybe even the whole world, would be a better place if he and his homies were not a part of it.
That said, his homies wield much power within the swamp, and he serves as a sort of martyr to them.
Truth: he is a martyr.
I don't need to explain the story. If you are reading this blog, you already know it.
So what, pray tell, is going on?
First off, we now have a press corps reporting that an Independent Counsel can be biased, dishonest, self-serving and corrupt... it's called 'setting the stage' for what comes next.
So, what is coming next?
Let me tell you...
What this pardon does is score points among the swamp things who's support Papa will need going forward, while also sending a message to those in Papa's army who may/will be martyred in the bitter struggle to take him down: Papa holds the power, the ultimate power. He's got your back if you are willing to 'ride or die'.
(Side note: W left the homie out to dry. Who's the better man, now?)
A brilliant move.
Papa is on offense.
The enemy is on it's heels.
The tide is turning
An interesting observation. Perhaps you're right. I have a number of thoughts about the upcoming elections, but it probably just as well that I keep them to myself.
Papa? I'm not sure I buy that, but the rest of your argument is spot-on, especially the observation about W's cowardice in re Libby.
Papa? I'm not sure I buy that
yeah, kinda funny, i know. tried to think of a something a bit more affectionate than 'Trump', and more respectful 'grande orange'. Papa almost brings in shades of Furher, and it might piss off the right people. ... open to suggestions.
The Democrats love the initials — LBJ, JFK, FDR, etc. I would even see WJC and BHO from time to time. No reason why they should have a monopoly on such things, so you could go with DJT, I suppose. As you said yourself, “Papa” is a little too dictator-ish, which is especially amusing because Trump hasn’t been 1/10th of the autocrat that his predecessor was.
DJT isn't affectionate enough for a man putting it all out there in my defense.
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