Wednesday, September 27, 2017

My Thoughts On The NFL Stuff

-Every Sunday during football season, we meet at this local sports bar, called Sidelines. (We occasionally relocate to Rosati's when we want to avoid the Seahawks crew and their annoying manner.) I found this loose group of Bears fans at this same bar in 2012.
There are several different fan bases that call this bar home, but we are not like the others. All the others are somehow related or extended related, getting together, cousins/siblings etc...
None of us are related in any way.
 As is the developed practice, whomever arrives first puts dibs on the favorite table and corresponding screens.
We meet every Sunday the Bears are playing, and I have zero to near-zero contact with any of them after the season is over. Not even Facebook contacts.

Myself, Jeff, Lori, Danny, Mike.
Over time, we have become known as The Family. An intended misnomer.   Our bond is based upon Bears football, and little else. It's the point and topic of every conversation and comment we may yell, scream or utter over the course of the next three hours or so...

I never had any clue as to the political leanings of anybody in The Family. We never touched upon such things. This week has ended that, unfortunately.  Up side, though, is that I don't think it will have any effect on the future of The Family going forward. We are all about the Bears, and nothing else.

-Don't blame President Trump for inserting the power of the Presidency into the NFL commentary. President Obama started the ball rolling last season with his commentary over Kaepernicks style of protest. NFL players didn't have a problem with it then, did they? Do not gray a line you don't want crossed, ok?

-Trump's words: 'get that son of a bitch outta here'... or something like that, are almost the exact same words most of Trump Nation would use. It's how we talk. And, he was talking to us. Ain't no thing, ok? Get over it.
Or, get with it.
He resonates for a reason.

-Son Of A Bitch. I heard those words every day growing up, and rarely hear them anymore, them having been replaced by 'cabrones'.
 'Sonsabitches'... I miss that word. It meant something.
Hearing Trump go 'old school' gave me a warm feeling inside.

-At first, Kaepernick sat down for the anthem, but after being questioned, and wanting to come to a better method of expressing himself, he chose to kneel: a sign of respect for the general ideals the flag stood for, but he found lacking in reality. Fair enough, if you ask me.

-Those who got butt hurt when Tebow took a knee out of expression to deeply held beliefs, did not have an issue when Kaepernick did it.
 And vice versa.
Turn the mirror upon your own face and see if this applies.

-The NFL has, for years, attempted to use patriotism as a marketing tool and has had much success along the way... so much so, that displays of lesser-patriotism are off putting to many of the fan base.  They made their bed, they will lie in it.

-Taking their hypocrisy a step further: the NFL owners/CEOs/coaches/kissasses have issued several statements so far, all claiming to fully support their player's rights of political expression... or something like that...
Really? Then explain for me why Kaepernick no longer has the skills to play in the NFL while Mike Glennon still does?

-Maybe, after all this dust settles down, Kaepernick might find an NFL position again. I'm ok with it. He's a genuinely good dude. He's also hugely under-informed, but can you blame him after being coddled for so much of his life?

-If you need further proof that this nation is going through it's death throes, this should do it for you. Football players are the modern day version of Roman gladiators. Tough guys. Seems that in reality, they are all a bunch of snowflakes beneath the padding and the helmets.  Sissies who play football at the highest level, are still sissies. So sorry your little feelings were hurt...faggot.

-I'll still watch. For now, anyway...

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


I've said it before: a young child transported illegally across out border to live and grow up is an American by default. The child knows no other country.
I also realize that there can be distinctions made between a 6 month old illegal versus a 16 year old. They are not the same thing, and this distinctioning thing can get real messy.

I supported the idea of DACA at the time, but not the act of DACA itself.
DACA is blatantly unconstitutional.

Getting a Dream Act passed into law should not be that difficult. Most people support the idea. The biggest obstacle is those who want to include Dreamer stuff into a wider bill granting blanket amnesty to all illegals, and wont have it any other way.

Stop holding the kids hostage.

Pass a DACA type thing, and do it the correct way.