As if to demonstrate that two hootered blonds are dumber than one, Mother and Daughter took to the Today show this morning.
Mom has come around to fully supporting her daughter's decision...
When your child is spreading her wings you just want to come alongside and...Not the wisest choice of words if you ask me.
If a situation can scream "No father in the home!", this is it.
Ah, the old "mom living vicariously through her younger, hotter daughter" thing. So sad.
But that's me...I actually like women. "Girls" are for boys.
Argh, fathers are not inherently "vagina security." (Kind of gross when you think about it that way, right?)
(I've already complained about that idea on this blog, though.)
And from an anecdotal POV, my mother did a mighty fine job of bringing me up to be sexually repressed and modest all on her own, thank you very much!
yeah, i know...
but characteriscally, it is (over)protective fathers who put the brakes on something a mother (or some mothers) might think looks 'cute'.
its not so much 'vagina security' as it is teaching self respect and enforcing rules of propriety.
and yes, this hootchie is 18yrs old, and does modeling. i dont expect a model to wear burkhas on the job. i just expect her to understand the difference between a high school yearbook and victorias secret catalog.
The Today Show? Really? Are those people unable to recognize a non-controversy when they see one, or are they purposely twisting this to sound like a controversy just to boost ratings?
The headline is misleading, and the story is just crap. The second photo is a BAD YEARBOOK PHOTO - not the clothes, not the pose... the shot itself. Black and white, too blurry (either from the scan or it has soft focus applied)... even if they allow more than a head shot, it's neither full length nor 3/4 but instead that nebulous "what happened to her feet?" length.
Her shots are not "banned from the yearbook", they are rejected for one portion because they don't fit the criteria. I'm not so sure this is the mom living through her daughter so much as it's the mom recognizing an opportunity for free press.
And they're certainly getting it.
Jade, if you follow the link to the news report, you'll see why this particular young lady chose to have the camera focused on her hips instead of her face. Just sayin'.
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