Utah school nixes Cougar as mascot name
...the school board expressed concern that the word "cougar" might be offensive to some women.I don't know what is funnier: that the school board said this with a straight face, or that they are in charge of educating kids.
Cougars are so 2008.
Also, it just now occurs to me how funny "Brigham Young Cougars" sounds, especially if you slur it a little. ("Bring 'em young, cougars!")
oh wow, i didnt notice that. i'm LOLing.
That's hilarious, Brian!
I've thought for a long time that "Bring'em young" is a great name for a polygamist leader, like Brigham Young was.
Seriously, this prudish idiocy reminds me of why I never went back to live in Utah...
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