Whatever one may think of their views, you gotta give the PETA people props for some of the coolest attention getting demonstrations.
In this latest demonstration, two hotties take a nude shower on a public street in Hollywood, making a statement about how sharing showers with good looking babes saves more water for the animals... or something like that.
Whatever, as long as the chicks are hot, who really cares what they're thinking anyway?
.... I guess that pointing out water doesn't vanish once it's "used" wouldn't make them feel any better?
Not that I expect this stat is any more accurate than the other ones they throw out....
(Shockingly, I don't really care about naked women, lovely or otherwise.)
I want to ask them about the animal testing used to establish the safety of their makeup. As the great Dave Barry once said, if you can push a straight pin more than a quarter inch into your face without feeling anything, you might be wearing too much makeup for the business environment.
And what Foxfier said.
They covered that-- famously, "a dog is a pig is a boy."
These are the same folks who support the ELF terrorists. (At least, their leadership is-- who knows what college kids think.)
Foxfier is absolutely right. PETA supports domestic terrorism via financial contributions to both ELF and ALF, including terrorism against people I actually know and work with.
Needless to say, this colors my appreciation for their stunts.
If the response to a question about makeup is "a dog is a pig is a boy," that would imply that they're doing their "animal testing" of makeup in San Francisco, no?
(where else do you find that many boys willing to wear pancake makeup....second thought, DON'T answer that one, please, as I don't want to know)
where else do you find that many boys willing to wear pancake makeup
On TV.
Amazing how much makeup it takes to look "natural"-- and how horrible you look if you go on with normal makeup, let alone (heaven forbid!) none. (A trick they use on folks they want to do poorly is to not do very good stage makeup.)
I had a job in college making instructional videos for freshman chem labs that would appear on the campus cable network (and later, on the internet). We figured out that if we put non-Caucasians on screen, we didn't have to use as much (or any) makeup, and we made the diversity people happy, all at once!
Is dudes wearing makeup in SF seriously a thing? There is no shortage of gay guys where I live (Capitol Hill, Seattle) and I really don't see that very often, unless they're in drag (and a lot of those guys aren't gay, but that's another story.) Of course, we have a lot of bears around here...
Now Brian, Foxfier, don't get all serious on me for a smart aleck comment! :^)
Going back a touch, it takes about 500 days to bring a steer to market, and they'll drink about 20-40 gallons a day to produce about 500 lbs of meat. So the actual amount of water to get that a pound of meat to market seems to be a LOT less.
Unless you're counting the water to grow forage, in which case you're just telling people that vegans are using up the world's water, too, unless you listen to Foxfier and remember the principle of conservation of matter and energy.
But it's more FUN that way, and I got to question the sexuality of TV talking heads in a catty-corner way!
I'd bet they're using the same calculations that figures twenty pounds of corn to a pound of beef, other human-food calculations.
I know my folks are usually attacked by people who can't figure out that the cattle they raise eat things humans can't, let alone that the "wasted water" from the irrigation ditches was refilling the local aquifer. They still haven't figured it out, even though the wells are going dry since they put all the ditches into pipes.
One of my tera-forming daydreams is pumping large amounts of sea water into a desert valley where mountains stop the ocean's humid air. Have big old salt-harvesting pools... at one point it was quite detailed. ^.^ It'll never happen on earth, but I can think on it!
"PETA supports domestic terrorism via financial contributions to both ELF and ALF, including terrorism against people I actually know and work with."
OK, i get ya, and i'm on board.
but can i still appreciate the sexy girls if i promise to forget who they work for?
*grin* Gino, I can't think of anything that would piss them off more-- folks who are on to them, still oogling. ^.^
i was born to oogle.
I won't come between you and the objects of your ogling. Too awkward.
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