The guy is good. Occasionally, even I will tune into his show on FNC, knowing the dude is a charlatan, just to hear his take on a particular political or cultural issue. He has a gifted way with words that I appreciate (gotta give him credit for that) whether I agree with it or not.
More recently, not all has been going well in the Huckster Paradise that has become Huckabee's career. Last week, he had bloviating about President Obama's childhood growing up in Kenya (he attributes this to fatigue) and is now under attack for 'blaming Natalie Portman for sending a bad example' to the nation's breeders.
I don't think The Huck has done a sufficient job of squirming out of the Obama=Kenya stuff, but I'll defend him by saying that his Natalie-Preggo comments have been taken out of context.
The good news in all this: I think these two incidents should be sufficient enough to take him out of any presidential contention in the future. And that is a beautiful thing.
Could agree more, Gino. Huckabee just gives me that Robert Mitchum - Night of the Hunter vibe.
Er, make that "couldn't agree more."
Eh, like it matters.
As long as some semblance of economic recovery continues, the Republicans are just fighting over who gets to have their ass handed to them by Obama in '12.
If gas hits $5/gallon or unemployment goes back over 10% for any significant period of time, then it's a different conversation, but there's a reason every alleged GOP frontrunner is so reticent to officially buy in.
I never thought I'd say this, but thank goodness for Roger Ailes, for giving those clowns lucrative alternatives...
Yeah, the Natalie Portman thing is pretty much classic conservative criticism of Hollywood. I'm not sure what's newsworthy about it. And frankly, there's something to the basic idea that, when poor people do what rich white movie stars do, it tends to turn out badly. I refer to the Sexual Revolution...when people without contraceptives and money for abortions procreate like rabbits, they are looking for trouble. In short, the middle class morality may be bullshit, it may be outgrown by those with money and status, but that outgrowth is not economically sustainable for the underprivileged. It doesn't apply as much to out-of-wedlock births. For that we have to look at what's turning these absentee fathers into such assholes. And it surely isn't Natalie Portman.
Shoot, does the single mom-hood thing work out well for even Hollyweird types? Let's face facts; single moms like Madonna and Angelina Jolie are on the cover of the Enquirer for a reason, and it's not because their kids just beat homeschoolers to win the national spelling bee.
I like some of Huckabee's ideas, but he's really getting off track in many areas. Yikes.
If Huckabee is like most Christian Republicans it's only a matter of time until we find the young campaign worker or starlet or young man he's been plugging in an airport bathroom all this time. Patience is a virtue.
i think we more likely see this one with garage full of cash stolen from the state of arkansas.
Having a little insight into the psychology and culture of Southern Baptists, I actually think a more likely scenario is a single indiscretion with a woman he genuinely likes (perhaps a middle-aged but still dishy Fox News exec) that he would totally have gotten away with and spared his family the pain and humiliation of dealing with publicly, but for the need to unburden his conscience about it.
"Man up and live with that shit" isn't in the Baptist repertoire. It's all about feeling better and being forgiven...sort of the worst amalgamation of Christianity and pop psychology.
as a friedn to many good and honest baptists, i'd have to agree.
to a catholic, its definately different.
we feel like shit, and feel good about that.
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