This time, it's the Ragheads that are gettin all pissy:
CAIR said Muslims who object to full-body scans for religious reasons should know their rights if they are required to undergo a pat-down, including asking for the procedure to be done in a private place. In addition, CAIR offered a “special recommendation” for Muslim women who wear a hijab, telling them they should tell the TSA officer that they may be searched only around the head and neck.Because, well, nobody would try to hide bombs or anything in their hair anyway, right?
We'll have to see how far TSA is willing to go in order to violate the privacy rights of Muslims. I hope it's at least as far as the rest of us, if not further, because it is the Muslims who are trying to blow shit up, isn't it?
No, on second thought, I take that back. I want them to violate every muslimish looking chick or dude who tries to approach within five miles of an airfield. Forget letting them buy a plane ticket.
Never can be too safe. Right TSA?
I think the situation may be getting better, thanks to the suspects themselves:
In February, the Figh Council of North America, a group of Islamic scholars, issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, that full-body scanners violate Islamic law.
“It is a violation of clear Islamic teaching that men or women be seen naked by other men and women,” the ruling states. “Islam highly emphasizes haya (modesty) and considers it part of the faith. The Qu’ran has commanded the believers, both men and women, to cover their private parts.”
CAIR endorsed the fatwa, according to a Feb. 21 article in the Detroit Free Press.
OK, so we cant search them. Nor scan them.
If TSA sticks to it's guns and molests everybody equally, Muslims will be religiously forbidden to fly.
The terrorists lose.
I love it already.
Unless they've got a tampon bomb. In which case, it's holy war, and thus they're allowed to break the rules.
And none of these "measures" will work for that.
but they still would have to be seen in the naked body scanner. so, they wont do it.
not just brilliant!
its fucking genius!
I'm pretty sure Muslims aren't the only group of people who object to choosing between being viewed naked and being groped.
I am cautiously optimistic that we could be turning a corner here. The video of the kid being "handled" by one of the TSA's finest is pretty powerfully disturbing stuff (and I don't even like children, particularly when flying.) One good scanner porn scandal and we have the makings of a serious public backlash against security theater.
Also, I'm pretty sure 1/5th of flyers opting out will cause intolerable delays.
Something's gotta give...
I just read a post on FB from a friend of mine: "FYI- don't wear a skirt if you plan to opt out of the back-scatter x-ray." I'm sure that it is ENTIRELY A COINCIDENCE that my friend is a very attractive woman.
Seriously, this shit has to stop somewhere.
After the second reading of the post, I think its sarcasm.
But I'm not sure.
I do disagree, the terrorists have not lost. You know that. Thats why this is sarcasm.
Also, this:
Follow the money...
yes, it is a stupid word. thats why i use it.
(and use it when joshing with muslim/arab friends. we laugh about it, just like camel jockey, an even stupider word.)
if i wanted to be mean, i got other words. but my approach here is intended to be less sensitive to muslim concerns, because frankly, if its my life vs their feelings, i'll go with my life first.
and if that means upsetting a few members of the 'koranic community' (is that better, amanda?), they need to take it up with somebody else... like maybe the assholes in their own midst that make this bullshit necessary.
"New polling research finds only 73% of camel-jockeys have actual experience with camel-husbandry."
Your disinclination to put up with PC BS is one of your most charming features. We need more of that, not less.
Political correctness is one thing. But in disposing so adamantly of the PC, we make certain implicit assumptions about language, to the effect that language is merely so many words that are tools, with no meaning or power in themselves. This justifies a certain wantonness in our use of language. I value Gino's humor in part because being serious-about-language is not being-progressive-with-language, and those who hope to advance the political through sobriety are lost in that they are so serious about seriousness, they end up valuing seriousness itself more than they would like to acknowledge. But come now, clearly we want a balance between seriousness and humor which allows us to deal with language in a way that is real--and the real has not nearly so much gravitas as some would like. Even so, this realness is what is at stake for us, even in the most flippant remark. Like saying Gino is a guinea, which, by the way, is a direct statement of the real!
Of course having said that, there's a reason I read this blog, and it isn't to lecture you on your use of language. I just on occasion hope that, in the midst of the fun, we do not lose sight of our goal.
but fun is my goal.
i wouldnt do this if it sucked.
My body is telling me right now that I'm sucking the fun out of the room, and should appreciate you for what you do without being so uptight. I had dinner with a group which included my former girlfriend who's very PC, and it is more real to me now than before how annoying that is. That doesn't mean that what I've written above is right or wrong. Just that I maybe shouldn't have written it.
This is a great post. I flew alot this summer for work and I don't understand the uproar. If someone wants to look at my naked body, to insure flight safety....their loss.
thanks, guitarman.
tully: words do indeed have power. but that power is infused at the eardrum, not the vocal cord.
i havent much control over my own cords, and i'm damned sure not gonna try to excercise it over somebody elses drums.
as for dumping that pc chick: good move. shows the wisdom beyond your yrs that i always accused you of.
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