Saturday, July 26, 2014

Damn, That Hurt!

Well, that was not near as much fun as I was expecting.
Doctor told me it would hurt. Told me to take my meds soon as I got home, before the numbing wore off. Told me to take even  more meds before the previous dose wore off. It's gonna hurt....

She was not overstating the situation.

I was twilighted for surgery, not truly asleep, but was informed I wouldn't remember anything.
I remember waking up during, saying something like 'Hey, gimmee more juice, it hurts'.
She did, or somebody did....

The deed was done, and I was sent home to recover.
72 hrs of throbbing pain later, I started feeling some relief...

I can sit in front of the computer now, if only for a brief time. Gotta keep the foot elevated.
After about 5 minutes of nonelevation, it reminds me, in case I forgot.

No bathing or getting the foot wet for about 5-6 weeks. I got wires holding things together and I cant get them wet.
This discomfort will take a while, I guess. Oh well, it's all for the better.

But damn.... I had no idea such a simple procedure could hurt so damn much.


W.B. Picklesworth said...

Uff, sorry to hear that. I guess the moral of the story is that a man and his bunion are not meant to be separated? Or maybe, treat your bunion right, so he'll treat you right?

John said...

I am sorry to learn how painful the surgery was... I hope at the end of the day you are back up to speed so you can reenter training for the Olympics...

Gino said...

olympics??? i'm looking forward to driving a car again. that would make me happy.

VLW said...

Having just finished physical therapy not long ago. I feel your pain and have many sympathies.

Bike Bubba said...

The big question; will you be ready for deer season? :^)

God bless you, and heal quickly.