It's the wrong approach. We don't need them to like us. We need them to fear us.
They should have just fed Osama to the pigs, and posted video of it online so his homies can see what may happen to their bodies when the time comes. I think this would have a larger effect in dissuading future recruits to join their jihad.

And the virgin thing...
We can exploit that, too. Let them see what kind of women make it through adulthood and onward into Paradise with maiden head intact.
Odds are, al-Jihadi will need to drink plenty from those rivers of wine before he can get the job done... if you catch my drift.
And he'll have to do 72 of them, too.
The proper tactics, and we might win this thing yet.
It's the wrong approach. We don't need them to like us. We need them to fear us.
Wrong! Firstly, it's not "Islam" that hates America. It's Al-Qaeda, and associated extremists. Equating Islam with terrorism is like saying that all Catholics love molesting little boys. Sorry to go there, but the analogy is apt. Secondly, if they LIKED us, then, you know, they wouldn't want to kill us. And we wouldn't have a problem.
We can exploit [the virgin thing], too. Let them see what kind of women make it through adulthood and onward into Paradise with maiden head intact.
You don't need me to tell you what I think of that statement, right?
Aside from the fact, that if I've learned anything in this world, it's that anybody can laid. *Anybody*
On another note, just for funsies, FYI Gino, your blog was the very first that informed me of the breaking news last night, when I happened to glance at G-Reader during "Game of Thrones." Way to be on the ball!
If it makes you feel better, if they dumped the body off the ship at night, then it was the same time they'd have been dumping the day's bio-garbage.
Including the bacon grease from that morning's chow.
(Verification code: humen)
amanda: i said 'Islamies'. i know plenty about islam, and muslims, and do not fear them in the least.
yes, anybody can eventually get laid if they want it bad enough. thats the hitch. these virgins will have low libidos, and wont be much fun at all, and may be a lot of work.
glad to be of service!
foxfier: do they dump the loo at that time too? perfect! :)
I'm not sure on that! Only know about the food waste because my shop was across the pway from the garbage room, though, and the smell got pushed back into the ship when they dumped.
I think the after dark thing has something to do with either birds or being photogenic, not sure which. I do know the fish REALLY loved us.
Amanda, while it's true that not all Muslims hate America, it's also true that somehow Bin Laden was hiding in plain sight of Pakistan's military academy. There is a lesson here that hopefully is being absorbed very carefully by Ms. Clinton right now.
If dumping him off the side of a ship after a bullet to the head qualifies as cultural sensitivity, then I think that bar was set at a pretty reasonable level.
Yeah but where's his fucking birth certificate?
nobody has been doing it this way, so its not the 'same cycle', but then i guess maybe we should all holds hands and sing 'kumbaya' till they dont want to kill us anymore.
whatever works, i'll support it.
just make it happen. its all i ask.
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