Thursday, December 9, 2010

My son had a good question last night: Would anybody have cared that it was the anniversary of John Lennon's death if the media hadn't started the day off with it?

To which I'll add: And how many people really do 'remember' Pearl Harbor, anyway?

We (though not me) are such tools...


Foxfier said...

Physically being there/alive? Not many.

Getting teary eyed at listening to the "infamy" announcement, knowing what's to come, and mildly offended that Blizzard riffed on Pearl Harbor for their Cataclysm expansion to WoW? Me, my husband, most of the military folks I know. My folks remember it, and most of their families. Maybe it's a military thing.

Bike Bubba said...

Come on, it's Vladimir Illych Lenin, not John, dummy. And his real name was Ulyanov.


Mr. D said...

Anniversaries you don't care about don't matter. I think it's more of a Baby Boomer thing and you (like me) aren't really part of that.

I cared because I was, and remain, a Beatles fan. Your mileage may vary. In the greater scheme of things, the anniversary doesn't matter that much.

60 years from now, not many people will remember 9/11, either.

Brian said...

I prefer to celebrate December 5.

Foxfier said...

Repeal day?


*two thumbs up*

Mr. D said...

I like Repeal Day, too. Thank you for bringing some History We Can Use to our attention, Brian!